The Robinson family
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The Robinson family has been the proverbial brick wall to try and overcome. Washington Robertson/Robinson along with his father and siblings were in the Tuscaloosa County Alabama area before the 1850, and often the family is found in the records as Robertson, Robinson, Robberson, and numerous other variations. William Robertson the progenitor of this line was in the Moore's Bridge area of Tuscaloosa and Pickens Cos. in Alabama until he died in 1855. However, where William came from I have not yet discovered. William had several children listed as heirs when he died. If any of you happen to be descended from Adaline who married a Mr. Sharp, or are descended from any of the other children I would love to hear from you. William's other daughter married William Pugh of Tuscaloosa Co. Alabama. William Robertson's son, Washington, was in the Tuscaloosa and Pickens Counties of Alabama from ca 1824 to the mid-1840's. Washington married Louisa Waters in 1834 in Tuscaloosa Co. Louisa's picture is on the left hand side of this page.

I have been unable to locate the family of Washington Robertson (or any similar spelling) in the 1850 census, but judging by the birthplaces of his children on subsequent census the family should be somewhere in Mississippi. By the 1860 census the family of Washington is living south of Little Rock Arkansas in Hot Spring County. The descendants of Washington spread out south and west and hopefully some of you out there will have more to add on this family. Also if you happen to have stumbled across my Robinson family in the 1850 census I would love to know where they were. Apparently Washington (head of the family) died sometime before 1860 and as many of you know there are several burned out counties in Arkansas and I suspect that has been a big part of the problem in finding the probate records and burial location of Washington Robinson. So, click on the arrow or here to look around. Maybe we do connect and together we can chip away at this brick wall! »

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